Our Message shares the Easter Message

What does Easter mean to you? 

Christian Message

In the book Our Message Pastor John Gallagher writes a short message to describe God’s plan for our Eternal Salvation.

“When God first created the world it was perfect. There was no sickness, hunger, worry, pain, or sadness. As long as we obeyed God we would live with God forever and there would be no death. But sadly every one of us has disobeyed God. As a result, none of us are good enough for God’s glory and we are trapped in a future that only ends in death and separation from God. The good news is that God loved us too much to leave us trapped in our own sin and so He sent His son Jesus to save us. Jesus lived a perfect life on our behalf and he suffered the death we deserved so that we could live with God forever. When we choose to love Jesus and put Him first in our life we will start to lose our love for sin and strive to live a life that pleases God. We can be free of the power of sin and death. That’s the wonderful hope that Jesus gives us. He took the pain and suffering so we could be free to enjoy a glorious eternity with God – just as He first planned it to be.”

“We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him. When he died, he died once to break the power of sin. But now that he lives, he lives for the glory of God. So you should consider yourself to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.” Romans 6: 9-11                             – Pastor John Gallagher